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Drink Water From
the Delaware River

DRN’s Mission

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network champions the rights of our communities to a Delaware River and tributary streams that are free-flowing, clean, healthy, and abundant with
a diversity of life.

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Urgent Action
You Can Help Protect the Delaware River Watershed.

Here is what you can do. Time Sensitive, Act Now!

The Delaware River Watershed spans across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and New York providing drinking water to over 17 million people. Join us now in our mission of protecting the Delaware River watershed by taking part in DRN’s actions below. But hurry, the deadline is almost here!

Attend the Highland Planning Board Meeting on Camp FIMFO’s draft EIS

Attend the Highland Planning Board Meeting on Camp FIMFO’s draft EIS

The monthly Town of Highland Planning Board meeting is coming up on Wednesday, September 25th and Ca…

Tell the Army Corps and PADEP to Protect EV Wetlands and HQ Streams in the Poconos

Tell the Army Corps and PADEP to Protect EV Wetlands and HQ Streams in the Poconos

New Jersey at a Crossroads: Squeaky Clean Energy or Fossil Fueled Disasters

New Jersey at a Crossroads: Squeaky Clean Energy or Fossil Fueled Disasters

Join us September 12 to map the road to truly clean and renewable energy! Join Delaware Riverkeeper …

Urgent Actions Are Time Sensitive Actions with Quick Approaching Deadlines. Be Sure to Act Now!

See More Actions
Graphic Hydrogen Pollution

Don’t Erase Real Climate Action with Hydrogen Hype

There is no such thing as clean hydrogen. No matter the color of the rainbow it has been assigned, h…

Sign on to Urge, No Backroom Deals for FIMFO

Sign on to Urge, No Backroom Deals for FIMFO

The National Park Service, after careful review, has determined that the proposal to transform a pri…

Graphic with text reading "Stop the export of LNG"

Petition to stop LNG export on the Delaware River

We call on the Delaware River Basin Commission to put a stop to this disastrous plan now!

Join our campaign efforts, there are many ways you can help.

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the Delaware Riverkeeper

Leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network since 1994 and author of “The Green Amendment” book.

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Photo of Maya

a Speaker

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We are always looking for help from our community members. Learn more about volunteering & explore other ways to join us below.

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"Rallying for climate action
and river protection"