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DRN Secures DRBC Review of Two Devastating Pipelines

After a year of refusing multiple requests by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network to mandate the Tennessee Gas Pipeline 300 Line Extension Project and the Columbia 1278 Replacement Project secure Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) review and dockets before being installed, on January 30, 2013,  the DRBC reversed their decision and determined it would subject the two projects to review and permitting (in DRBC terms called getting a docket).  While the two projects had been completed — the multiple violations of law during their construction and the abysmal restoration efforts upon their completion leaves plenty of room for implementing restoration practices to minimize and reduce their water quality and ecosystem harms.  

On January 30, 2013, the DRBC acknowledged it had gotten it wrong, and reversed its previous decisions denying review for the 300 line and the 1278 line. In a letter signed by Carol Collier, Executive Director of the Delaware River Basin Commission and written to Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper and head of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Ms. Collier said: “Both projects are subject to Commission review…. Accordingly, I am directing my staff to undertake reviews of these projects after the fact. The project sponsors will be so informed and will be directed to submit applications ….”