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Merchant Hydro-Nockamixon Pumped Storage Project


January 11, 2017, Merchant Hydro Developers, LLC (Merchant Hydro) filed an application with FERC to study the feasibility of a proposed pumped storage hydroelectric project they call Nockamixon Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No. 14816-000.  

The project includes:

  1. a new upper reservoir with a surface area of 150 acres
  2. a lower reservoir using the existing Delaware Canal
  3. a new 3,575 foot long, 48 inch diameter penstock connecting the two reservoirs
  4. a new 150 foot long and 50 foot wide powerhouse containing 2 turbine genrator units with a total of 125 megawatts of capacity
  5. a new tranmission line connecting the powerhouse to a nearby electric grid interconnection point
  6. appurtenant facilities.

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network is concerned about a number of aspects of this project including the 150 acres that would be flooded for the upper reservoir and is mainly in forest.  We also have concerns about impacts to wetlands, water quality and species.

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network appears to be the only organization that timely intervened in the FERC docket for this project.

FERC issued the requested preliminary permit on September 1, 2017 allowing Merchant Hydro to begin to assess the feasibility of its proposed project.

Philadelphia Inquirer article discusses the project:  Tilting at Windmills? June 16, 2017.