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Additional Articles & Reports

  • Kahn Report on Salem Nuclear Facility Aquatic Life Impacts (2022)
  • Bishop Tube Biodiversity Report (August – September 2023)
  • SEPTA Forward Zero Emission Bus Playbook Version 2, Sept. 2022
  • SEPTA Final Report – Zero-Emission Bus Facility Analysis, March 2023
  • Howarth – How green is blue hydrogen? (2021-07-26)
  • A. Makhijani – Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy (2010-11-05)
  • IEER Report- Hydrogen: What Good is it? (January 2024)
  • DiGiulio Report – Understanding, Evaluating, and Remediating Leakage from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells During Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide (2024-03-18)
  • IEEFA Blue Hydrogen Report (September 2023)
  • NJDEP Report 11, Solvay NTA PFAS sampling data (2022-02-23)
  • Tom Myers – PA 401 Updated Expert Report
  • Wetland Delineation Report
  • PennEast Alternatives Analysis
  • DRN DEIS Field Truth Report re PennEast Pipeline
  • Analysis of Economic Impacts – Comments Key-Log Economics
  • Appendix 1
  • Re FERC DEIS for PennEast Pipeline Co – Wetlands Update – Schmid & Co
  • The Effects of the Proposed PennEast Pipeline on Exceptional Value Wetlands in Pennsylvania – Schmid & Co
  • DRN Field Field Monitoring Report re Pipeline Construction, Operation, Maintenance
  • N.J.’s most endangered fish just got a rescue line from feds,, 08/17/2017
  • How Environmental Law Can Protect People, Not Polluters — Interview on Midday WNYC
  • Increasing Environmental Protections in New York — Interview with Capital Tonight
  • Shaping Up for a Big Fight in NJ on Question of Right to a Clean Environment, NJ Spotlight, 10/17/2018
  • Bill Would Put Right to Clean Environment on Ballot With New Constitutional Amendment, Press of Atlantic City, 11/30/2017
  • New Jersey Bill Would Establish Constitutional Right to Clean Air and Water, WBGO 88.3, 11/30/2017
  • Several State Legislators Want Constitutional Right Clean Air, Water. Politico 11/30/2017
  • Will New Jersey Make a Healthy Environment an Inalienable Right? NJ Spotlight 12/1/2017
  • LNG Task Force Minority Report (2023-10-31)
  • Philadelphia LNG Export Task Force Report
  • Trenton Engineering REVISED Stream Buffer Conservation Report signed
  • PH Drawing1-Layout2 (002)
  • Synnergy Poppert SBCZ email
  • UNT Whetstone Run DEP Draft Report
  • Perkiomen Creek DEP Report Sept 2013
  • PADEP Beaver Creek Draft Stream Eval Report 2020
  • Expert Report Regarding Impacts of PSEG Salem Fish Kills
  • DRN Expert CEA 21527 Salem Generating Station Report
  • Transco June 14 Comment Plus Expert Report
  • Resource Report 3 Fisheries, Vegetation and Wildlife FERC Environmental Checklist
  • Resource Report 2 Water Use and Quality
  • DRN report 8-13-13 MtRoad
  • Nicole Zenes Senior Thesis Nutrients and Clear Cuts
  • Flow velocity – internal corrosion paper
  • DRN Stream Temp Case Study TGP
  • Water use and Quality Report Resource Report 2
  • DRBC Bentonite Spill Report (2022-12-16)
  • Gibbstown LNG Export Terminal: Lifecycle GHG Emissions Analysis
  • Fact Sheet_IEEFA_LNG Overbuild
  • River Reporter, Corralling Camp FIMFO
  • River Reporter, FIMFO and the Environment
  • River Reporter, Creating Camp FIMFO
  • River Reporter, Camp FIMFO Q&A
  • River Reporter, NPS Rejects FIMFO
  • The Belgian Investigation: Solvay, the Invisible Pollution
  • Belgium Report #2 – Univ. of Liege Mass Spectrometry Lab
  • Belgium Report #1 – Univ. Hosp. of Liege Toxicology Dept.
  • Fracking with Forever Chemicals (2020-07-21)
  • National Academies on Science, Engineering, and Medicine Report on PFAS Testing and Clinical Follow up