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Additional Supporting Documents

  • Complete People’s Dossier: Consultant Deficient Needs Analysis with attachments
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 1, Tom Pawlicki, FERC deference to pipeline operators seen contributing to overbuild,, March 24, 2016.
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 2, Jeremiah Shelor, Marcellus/Utica on Pace for Pipeline Overbuild, Says Braziel, Natural Gas Intelligence, June 8, 2016.
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 3, Marcellus-Utica could soon be overpiped, Kallanish Energy, February 2, 2016
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 4, Power System Reliability in New England, Analysis Group, Inc., November 2015
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 5, Press Release, Mass Attorney General’s office, AG Study: Increased Gas Capacity Not Needed to Meet State’s Electric Reliability Needs, November 18, 2015
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 6, Are the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Mountain Valley Pipeline Necessary? Synapse Energy, September 12, 2016
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 7, Report on Need for the Constitution Pipeline, April 7, 2014
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 8, Berman, Arthur, Labrynth Consulting Services, Inc., Professional Opinion on the PennEast Pipeline, February 2015
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 9, Berman, Arthur. PennEast Updated Opinion, September 11, 2016.
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 10, Analysis of Public Benefit Regarding PennEast, Skipping Stone, March 9, 2016
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 11, Florida Power and Light, Ten Year Power Plant Site Plan, 2016-2025, April 2016, p.56-62
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 12, IEEFA, Risks Associated with Natural Gas Pipeline Expansion in Appalachia, April 2016
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 13, Docket No. CP15-115, Commissioner Bay Separate Statement, p.3
  • Deficient Needs Analysis Attachment 14, Comments of the New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel on PennEast Pipeline, FERC Docket No. CP15-558, Sept. 12, 2016