Volunteer From the Comfort of Your Own Home -Review Millennium ESU Comments For Critical Data
Sign Up to Help Provide An Accurate Picture of the Impacts of the Proposed Millennium Eastern System Upgrade.

From the Comfort of Your Own Home …. You can help us pull key information points from the comments filed on the FERC docket for Millennium that we need to do a full assessment of its impacts.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has received hundreds of comments from citizens concerned about Millennium’s proposed Eastern System Upgrade (ESU). Please help us to analyze the input received by FERC. The comments you will review have been submitted by interested parties of all kinds, advising FERC on what issues it should consider when writing an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement for Millennium’s ESU. This is all part of FERC’s obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA.
You don’t have to be an expert on the issues to help out, but your help will enable detailed economic and policy analysis that will lead to better information being brought to bear on FERC’s decisions regarding the pipeline upgrade project over the coming year.
Please join the many volunteers already at work on this project by taking the following steps:
1) Sign up by clicking: I’m In!
2) You will then receive an email with a “packet” of 3 comment letters attached for you to review as well as instructions for using an online form for recording key information from each of the three letters.
Thank you in advance for considering and hopefully participating in this research effort. Your assistance will lead to powerful results as we hold FERC accountable to the voices of the people and environments who will be affected if the pipeline is approved and built.
If you want to get a sense of what we will be doing with your help and data, check out this great analysis done on the Atlantic Coast pipeline, an analysis we are working on that goes even one step further for the Milllennium ESU: http://friendsofnelson.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/20160209-FINAL-EconomicCostsOfTheACP_TechnicalReport
Let me take the opportunity to thank you for all you have already done to support our effort. There is much work to be done every day, but the best part of every day is the gratitude I feel for the friends and neighbors who are in this fight with us. We truly cannot thank you enough, and we’ll be thanking you all the more as you pitch in as a citizen-scientist on the review of the FERC comment letters.
If you’d like to learn more about the pipeline proposal and DRN’s work associated with it, you can read about it at here.
Please email keeper@delawareriverkeeper.org if you have any other questions about this opportunity or process.
With high regards,
Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper