Bus Terminal, Parking Garage, Commercial and Condominium Development
The Federal Transit Administration decided to partially fund a 12-story bus terminal, parking garage, commercial and condominium development in the floodplain of the Delaware River in the Easton, PA historic district. DRN filed suit claiming violations of NEPA and E.O. 11988 (limitations on floodplain development). In response, FTA revoked its categorical exclusion from NEPA determination and has begun to prepare an environmental assessment but the local agency constructing the project has asserted that it can move forward with construction without federal funds, which would be used later to reimburse the costs of construction. Motion for preliminary injunction was filed and a hearing was held December 13, 2007; a decision is still awaited. Additionally, DRN has submitted substantial comments and documentation demonstrating the gross inadequacy of the draft EA, which eliminates from consideration all alternative locations.