Delaware River and Bay Oil Spill Advisory Committee
The Delaware Riverkeeper was appointed a member of the Delaware River and Bay Oil Spill Advisory Committee created by federal legislation in response to the Athos I oil spill. This Federal Advisory Committee, which held its first meeting in December, 2008, was given an 18-month life during which it is charged with identifying recommendations to better protect the Delaware River from oil spill events in terms of prevention, response, recovery and mitigation. The work load for participants of this Federal Advisory Committee has been daunting but clearly critical. There are few voices in the group to ensure that the needs of the River and all those who rely upon the River are given the highest priority. The Delaware Riverkeeper is a member of both the main committee as well as three of the four subcommittees that it has established.
The Report Remains In Stasis
The Committee’s work was to be completed by April 30, 2010. Due to opposition to key recommendations brought mainly by the Pennsylvania representative and a lack of voting members showing up for the last meeting the committee was unable to render a final vote on the report. As a result the report remains in stasis. Efforts are underway to secure a legislative extension that would allow the report to be revisited and finalized hopefully by the end of 2010.