The massive build out and proposals for the onslaught of warehouses and distribution centers in the Delaware River Basin are jeopardizing many communities, watersheds, forests, agricultural lands and natural areas simultaneously. Below are just some of the warehouse threats underway that DRN and community groups are opposing. This is not a complete list. We are providing this summary along with some of the filings and links to help others fighting similar warehouse threats
DRN’s Youtube Channel with Warehouse Information and 3 webinars on how to fight warehouses can be viewed here.
Ivy Castle Warehouse
Ivy Castle, LLC, and Mr. Anthony DiTommaso, Ivy Castle LLC with HQ at 102 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 204 Montvale, New Jersey 07645 proposes to fill wetlands for a new warehouse project. The project is located adjacent to the Christina River, located at 800 New Castle Avenue, known as tax parcel number 26-058.00-012, in the City of Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware. Center coordinates are: 39.725924°, -75.542557°. Ivy Castle, LLC, and Mr. Anthony DiTommaso, Ivy Castle LLC with HQ at 102 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 204 Montvale, New Jersey 07645 proposes to fill wetlands for a new warehouse project. The project is located adjacent to the Christina River, located at 800 New Castle Avenue, known as tax parcel number 26-058.00-012, in the City of Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware. Center coordinates are: 39.725924°, -75.542557°.
CRG Warehouse – Betz Court (Lowhill Township, Lehigh County PA – UNT to Jordan Creek (HQ-CWF and EV Wetlands)
Fred Ferraro of CRG Services Management, LLC (“CRG”) HQ located at 300 Barr Harbor Dr. Suite 720, Conshohocken, PA 19428 has applied to PA DEP for an NPDES Individual Permit for Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities (PAD390265) (“Application”) for the construction of a 56.73 acre land development consisting of a 299,880-square foot warehouse/distribution uses and a variety of commercial uses along Betz Court in Lowhill Township. Lehigh County, PA (the “Project”). The application states the site is located at: 40° 37′ 07.88″ N Latitude and 75° 38′ 43.04″ W Longitude.
River Pointe Logistics Center
Upper Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County, PA
Lou Pektor’s River Pointe Logistics Center, LLC proposes to construct Phase I of the River Pointe Logistics Center project in Upper Mount Bethel Township, which includes the construction of roadway infrastructure, stormwater facilities, and three (3) industrial buildings totaling approximately 1.9 million square feet, with projected future buildings to be designed and permitted in subsequent phases (approx. 6 million SF total). The NPDES permit application would allow discharge of stormwater from construction activities at the site to: an unknown tributary to Delaware River (cold water fishery, migratory fish); an unknown tributary to Allegheny Creek (cold water fishery, migratory fish); other wetlands & Exceptional Value wetlands, and is subject to special protections under the Clean Water Act. The development, known as River Pointe Commerce Park, is actually three distinct projects comprising 13 warehouse-sized buildings taking up more than 6 million square feet — roughly the equivalent of 43 Costco stores. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, in a July 2022 letter to township planners, cast the project in sweeping terms, describing it as “the largest in the Lehigh Valley in decades and possibly ever” (Delaware Currents, Chris Mele, May 2023) and outlined major concerns about the project and the National Park Service (NPS) has also weighed in with major concerns to views and watershed threats to the Wild & Scenic corridor and nearby Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Today’s hearing focuses on the water permits before PADEP and sister agencies. For talking points and more information, please click here.
To view River Pointe’s water applications on file at PADEP visit: https://bit.ly/RiverPointeWaterApp
BP Point Breeze Warehouse Proposal,
West Passyunk Philadelkphia, PA
Schuylkill River
The applicant, Jim Marshall (jmarshall@bridgeindustrial.com; 267-346-0556) – BP Point Breeze, LLC, has requested a Department of the Army permit, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) for a proposed warehouse project located along the Schuylkill River at 6310 West Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The proposed project if approved, would include constructing a 487,590 square foot modern cross-dock warehouse with 95 trailer parking positions, 244 auto parking spaces, surface and underground stormwater control measures, and permittee responsible wetland mitigation.
Maxatawny Warehouse Project – Duke Reality/Prologis
Berks County, PA
Maxatawny Township
Saucony Creek Watershed
3 million sq. ft. warehouse/5 buildings
Mostly Ag land – warehouse complex would encroach along Saucony Creek and Wetlands
Local Contact: Maxatawny Community Coalition organizing locally to oppose the warehouse

The proposed Maxatawny logistics park would consist of 3 million square feet of institutional quality logistics real estate designed to accommodate local, regional and national warehouse, distribution, ecommerce and light manufacturing users. The project would create a 5 building logistics park to include a new road network, auto and tractor trailer parking spaces, tractor trailer loading and unloading yards and associated stormwater management, landscaping, and lighting. New infrastructure for public water, public sewer, electric and gas would be developed to provide the project site and surrounding area with service connections.
Update: As of December, 2022 there are five warehouse plans before Maxatawny township. Maxatawny Community Coalition has engaged in a court battle with Maxatawny township and Duke Relty/Prologis preparing for arguments in the Commonwealth Court in mid- December. The Township is also being sued by one of the warehouse developers.
National Land Developers, LLC Warehouse
Pike County, PA
Milford Township, PA
Sawkill Creek Watershed – EV
Mostly forested land – warehouse complex would impact Exceptional Value watershed
Local Contact: Friends of the Milford Aquifer organizing locally to oppose warehouse
National Land Developers, LLC and LVL Engineers have proposed to build a 450,000 square foot warehouse facility in Milford Township, Pike County, PA at the intersection of I-84 and Route 6.
Rte 115 Associates/Ashwal Properties LLC Warehouse
Monroe County, PA
Tunkhannock Township, PA
Keiper Run Watershed – EV
Mostly forested land – warehouse complex would impact Exceptional Value watershed
Local Contact: Tobyhanna Creek/Tunkhannock Creek Watershed Association, local Fishing Club
Ashwal Properties is proposing to construct a new warehouse on property located off of SR115, Long Pond. The Property also contains Tax Parcel Identification No. : 20630300718353 and Tax Code No.: 2011 1/1/36. The Property is currently owned by Ashwal Properties, LLC. The plans depict a 237 acre parcel. Included within the parcel, Associates proposes the construction of a 949,453 sq. ft. warehousing facility. The proposed height of the building is 58’±. In connection with operations on the Property, 487 constructed and 286 reserve off-street parking stalls are proposed. Access to and from the proposed building will be off of SR 115.
Update:The local nearby fishing club obtained legal representation by Pennfuture attorneys to proceed in the local landuse conditional use hearings and questioning. Settlement negotiations are underway as of February 2023 to reduce impacts of the planned warehouse. DRN and local watershed group has installed DIY Mayfly sensors to monitor water quality conditions.
In a Tunkhannock Board of Supervisors Meeting, there was no discussion about the sewage module or warehouse. Possible future discussion may happen next meeting, June 14th, 2023, 7pm.
Delaware Riverkeeper Network submitted a letter regarding this warehouse on May 9th.
Rte. 115 Moyer/Pippiani Warehouse
Monroe County, PA
Tunkhannock Township, PA
Mud Run Watershed – EV
Mostly forested land – warehouse complex would impact Exceptional Value watershed
Local Contact: Tobyhanna Creek/Tunkhannock Creek Watershed Association
The warehouse complex would consist of a 600,000 sq. ft. warehouse with 587 parking spaces, a 150,000 sq. ft. warehouse with 148 parking spaces, a donut shop, a pharmacy, two fast food restaurants, a gas station, and a truck stop with hundreds of additional parking spaces on a 100 acre site that is mostly forested.
Pocono Mountains Corporate Center North Warehouse
Monroe County, PA
Coolbaugh Township, PA
Duckpuddle Run- EV
Mostly forested land – warehouse complex would impact Exceptional Value watershed
Local Contact: checking if this is on opw radar as of 2/7?
Project Site Address: South Side of the Intersection of Route 611 and Laurel Drive, bounded on the west by an existing railroad bed and along the east by Duckpuddle Run.
Construction of 333,000 Square Foot warehouse building with parking facilities, utility connections, sanitary force main, and stormwater management facilities. The site is currently undeveloped with predominant forest cover and listed as 24.3 acres of earth disturbance in the PADEP NPDES public notice dated Feb 3, 2023.