FERC Pipeline Review Comment Process — PL18-1-000
FERC’s Pipeline Review Process Needs Reform!

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) operates as a Rubber Stamp on the pipeline infrastructure projects that come before it for review, with FERC approval being a foregone conclusion once the project goes before the FERC Commissioners for their vote.
In addition to FERC’s rubber stamp process, FERC:
- relies on biased consultants to advance their reviews,
- uses tactics that prevent impacted property owners and members of the community from challenging projects before they advance through eminent domain and construction, undermining the authority of states and other regulatory agencies,
- uses truncated reviews, as well as false and misleading information to hide the true impacts of projects,
- fails to consider the true climate changing impacts of their projects,
- uses tactics and strategies to prevent and/or minimize public comment, and
- uses every opportunity to advance the goals of the pipeline companies over the health, safety and needs of our people and environments.
On April 25, 2018 FERC opened a 60 day public comment period regarding how FERC carries out its review and approval of natural gas pipeline infrastructure. (You can read the full notice here). The Delaware Riverkeeper Network and tens of thousands commented during the comment period. In fact, a sign on letter by a leading coalition, VOICES (Victory Over InFRACKstructure, Clean Energy inStead) secured signatures from 32,664 individuals and organizations. See below for the VOICES letter and the Delaware Riverkeeper Networks substantive 94 page comment.
On February 24, 2021, under new leadership from Chairman Glick, FERC reopened the public commenting period on Docket PL18-1-000 and requested answers to several specific questions, some of which are focused on climate change and environmental justice. The public notice for this commenting opportunity can be found here. Comments are due April 26, 2021.
Talking Points For Docket PL18-1 – FERC Pipeline Reviews