Dragon Springs Development – Neversink River Threat
Dragon Springs Buddhist Inc is proposing to dam a headwater stream, destroy headwater wetlands, discharge poorly-treated wastewater to a Basher Kill trout stream, create acres of impervious cover and runoff, all of which would adversely impact the Basher Kill and the Neversink River. This development has already damaged the aesthetics and quality of the Basher Kill and the Neversink River, impacting fish, mussels and other aquatic life that are both ecologically and recreationally important to the region. The Basher Kill and Neversink River are important recreational resources supporting highly valued swimming and fishing opportunities for both residents and visitors.

One of the biggest threatened impacts is the proposal to dam a headwater stream in order to manage stormwater runoff. An extensive forested headwater wetland with amazing ecological biodiversity and ecosystem function would be lost.
The proposed wastewater treatment plant would pollute both a local trout stream and the Basher Kill and the Neversink River, with problems such as excessive nutrients impacting trout and endangered species living in these streams and rivers.
Threatened and Endangered Species
A number of state and federally listed Threatened and Endangered species are also located on-site or in areas affected by on-site activities. Among the biggest impacts that need to be evaluated are the water quality impacts to the Dwarf Wedgemussel and the Brook Floater, two freshwater mussels whose last remaining strongholds in New York state are here in the Neversink River but whose populations have severely declined already in recent decades.

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network is actively working with concerned residents and local organizations to address this major threat. Dragon Springs included a Draft Environmental Impact Statement with its proposal, but neither a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement nor a Final Environmental Impact Statement have been shared. Scathing testimony at the public hearing from the Delaware Riverkeeper Network and all of our partners and residents has slowed the impacts from this proposal.