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Red Knot Rufa Candidate Species for Endangered Species Protection

Delaware Riverkeeper Network, et al. petition to U.S. Fish and Wildlife (ESA Petition filed August 2, 2005) Delaware Riverkeeper Network filed a petition for emergency listing of the Red Knot as an endangered species and seeking protection of habitat pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. This petition was drafted and filed by DRN on behalf of five organizations. The Red Knot rufa is considered a candidate species as a result.

Update: As of November 2012 the Red knot rufa remains at a Listing Priority Number of 3 (where 1 is highest) and the review states that US Fish and Wildlife Service anticipates publishing a proposed listing before the next Candidate Notice of Review is due (i.e. between now and Nov. 2013). Work occurred on a proposed listing rule in FY 2012 but was not completed.