Coalitions and Collaborations
DRN is a member, as well as a leader, of many coalitions. When we the join together the strength and vision of grassroots organizations and individual activists in partnership, we can mobilize powerful forces in the effort to bring about the change we seek.
Empower New Jersey
Empower NJ is a coalition of environmental, citizen, faith, and progressive groups in New Jersey launching a grassroots campaign calling on Governor Murphy to act quickly on climate change by stopping pending fossil fuel projects and their greenhouse gas emissions.

Victory Over InFRACKstructure Clean Energy (VOICES)
VOICES is a coalition of over 250 organizations and activists from 35 states, led by Berks Gas Truth and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network aimed at stopping the expansion and development of fossil fuel pipelines and infrastructure.

Consortium for Scientific Assistance
Consortium for Scientific Assistance (Pennsylvania Only) Does your watershed group need help developing a volunteer monitoring program? Do you need help analyzing or presenting existing data you have collected? Could your group benefit from a presentation on a specific watershed topic? The Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds (C-SAW) can help you with these tasks and much more.
C-SAW is comprised of watershed specialists, including DRN staff, who provide eligible watershed groups or local project sponsors with technical assistance. The C-SAW Program is made possible through a grant from the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Growing Greener Program. The service is at no cost to eligible groups.
Green Amendments For The Generations
The goal of the Green Amendments For The Generations is to advance a Green Amendment movement that sweeps the nation and secures for all people constitutional recognition and protection of their inalienable rights to pure water, clean air, a stable climate and healthy environments.

Schuylkill River Project
Schuylkill River Project is an effort to describe stream water quality throughout the 1900-square mile Schuylkill River basin in southeastern Pennsylvania. We assess stream condition by sampling the macroinvertebrates (mostly insects, crustaceans, mollusks and worms) that live on the stream bottom.

SynTurf, a national and international forum dedicated to information regarding the environmental and health risks associated with artificial turf fields. By providing a reliable body of information about environmental and health impact of artificial turf fields, this site seeks to level the playing field of information about turf in favor public’s interest.
We invite you to contact the state environmental protection offices for additional information in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware. In addition, The Delaware River Basin Commission provides important information on River issues and events.