Reverend Evers Park is a location where social justice issues are coinciding with ecological restoration to bring improvement to the community. DRN produced a park Master Plan addressing ecological issues, recreation and community garden facilities, and cultural/educational needs, with input from the local community and project partners. This Master Plan builds upon strategies provided by the Philadelphia University Landscape Architectural Department to the Morgan Village Circle Community Development Corporation, and lays out a clear action plan. DRN’s Master Plan guides green stormwater management, riparian improvements and sustainable site improvements for the park during phased implementation projects.

DRN’s first phase of green infrastructure installation consisted of riparian corridor restoration, bioswale installation and park-wide tree plantings, supplemented with litter removal. DRN assisted with job training and led environmental educational outreach.
Partners have included the NJ Tree Foundation, Morgan Village Circle Community Development Corporation, and the City of Camden, and funding was provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, NJ Conservation Foundation, Wakefern Corporation, and the Foundation for a Better Tomorrow.