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Sign the Petition to Save the Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon of the Delaware River


DRBC, EPA, NMFS, Army Corps: Take Action to Protect the Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon of the Delaware


Where once there was 180,000 Atlantic Sturgeon spawning adults in the Delaware River Estuary, there are now less than 250 of this genetically unique population found only in our River. It is the responsibility and duty of our government agencies to not just check boxes and meet the bare minimum when it comes to protecting an endangered species like the Delaware River’s Atlantic Sturgeon; instead it is government’s duty to fully and fairly enforce the law, including using the best available science, to protect this ancient species from extinction. It is time for the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC),  National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),  to take all steps available  to protect the Delaware River’s unique population of Atlantic Sturgeon from extinction – honoring their right as a species to exist, and fulfilling our obligation as stewards of mother nature – if we fail, not only will we have been responsible for the loss of this genetically unique line of sturgeon, but it will mean future generations will never see a Delaware River Atlantic Sturgeon swimming in our River system (there will be other sturgeon, but not our Delaware River’s genetically unique line).

We submit this petition to say to you DRBC, NMFS, Army Corps and EPA: 

To date, you have neglected your duties, ignored science, and failed the people, the environment, the aquatic life and the Atlantic Sturgeon you have been charged with protecting.  

It is time DRBC, NMFS, Army Corps and EPA, to protect our River and genetically unique Atlantic Sturgeon from harmful pollution; it is time to put in place the oxygen standards scientists say will allow our sturgeon to live, survive, thrive and propagate (to be clear, that standard should be 6.3 mg/l); it is time to stop dredging, deepening, fossil fuel, industry and port projects that destroy habitat and bring bigger and bigger ships up our River that slash and slice our sturgeon, and bash them out of existence; it is time to say “no” to projects that exacerbate the climate crisis and in so doing diminish spawning grounds for the sturgeon by bringing salt water further and further up stream; it is time to say “no” to projects that would fill, cover, blast or otherwise destroy critical habitat; it is time to do anything and everything to protect the sturgeon we have left and to create the optimal conditions for their population to restore.  

The Time for Change Is Now, While There is Still Time to Save the Atlantic Sturgeon of the Delaware River.