Report a Pollution Incident
View the list of Government Agencies to contact.
Specific agencies respond to different pollution events so be sure to contact the appropriate agency. When contacting the appropriate hotline, tell them all you can about the exact location and nature of the pollution. If you have the ability to safely walk upstream to find the source of pollution, this is ideal. Request a case number when you call, let them know you have alerted Delaware Riverkeeper Network, and request a call back from the assigned agency representative. If you have photos of the pollution, request an email address for these photos to be sent.
How do you know when to act?
- Have you witnessed a pollution incident,
- Do you know of projects or programs that threaten the health of streams, wetlands, lakes or rivers,
- Are you witnessing the day to day degradation of your local stream and want to take action,
- Do you have information about illegal activities or pollution that are threatening the health of local waterways?
If so immediately call our Pollution Hotline. We’ll help you report the problem and take the action necessary to put a stop to the harm.
*This form will scroll.

What we do to help.
- Sometimes we’ll help you take the needed steps yourself,
- Sometimes we’ll help you organize your community to get involved,
- Sometimes we’ll jump in with testimony, expertise and direct action,
- Sometimes we’ll take needed legal steps,
Always we’ll take action to protect the creek, the wetlands, the watershed, your community and the River.