Initial Report: 9.15.06 A fisherman reported that he ran into trees and branches, some 20′ long, in the Delaware River along the Pennsylvania shore at Tinicum Township, Bucks County. The trees were freshly cut from the riparian area and apparently thrown into the river. The trees and branches are scattered for about 1/4 mile downstream, are being caught up on an old mill impoundment and causing a shift in water flow patterns and posing a safety hazard.

Update: 9.20.06 DRN investigated the site and took photos. Many very large trees were cut along the riverbank and some trees and branches were thrown into the water. On 9/15 DRN reported the situation to Tinicum Township and PA Fish and Boat Commission. As a result, Tinicum Township zoning officer investigated the site and will be issuing an enforcement action to the owner of Evermay B&B, 889 River Rd., Erwinna, the responsible party. The action violates the township’s riparian protection regulations that restrict tree cutting along the water. The waterways patrolman from PA Fish and Boat is investigating the site and a report is forthcoming from the State. DRN will be advocating for remediation of the damage done (the Township –once proceedings are complete– can require tree and vegetation planting, bank stabilization and riparian area repair; PA Fish and Boat have separate procedures to address violations of State regulations) and removal of the trees and branches from the river. Further reports will be posted here.